I'm Thinking of a Number...

Q1: What do I do? How do I get started?
A1: To get started enter a 4 digit number for your guess in the text box and click the submit button.

Q2: This seems to be very similar to the logic game MasterMind.
A2: Actually, this is a remake of a old pencil and paper game called Bulls and Cows. MasterMind uses colored pegs in a cribbage style board.

Q3: How about a little clue?
A3: The number is always 4 digits. It can start with one or more zeroes and digits can repeat. For example it could be 0122 or even 8888.

Q4: I can't seem to guess the number within 10 attempts.
A4: There are a few methods to calculate the number. One is to use the previous guesses as a filter for possible numbers. For instance if a 4 was used in a previous guess in the first position and you received no green lights, then you know that a 4 cannot be the first digit.

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